About Us

At Islamic Online Learning we provide Islamic Education in an age and developmentally appropriate manner for children as young as 18 months old. We are currently offering three different programs. The difference between each program is how it is designed to cater to the needs of the children based on age and developmental levels. Since we are unable to complete an assessment, we allow parents to choose sessions based on the age they feel their child will be able to learn well with.

Our sessions are offered once a week for each studentHowever, we currently have two time slots per session. Please choose the session which suits your availability.

Our sessions are conducted live using Google Hangouts. The children will be able to see the facilitator as well as the other children who are attending the class. A link will be sent before the start of the class.

Our program for our younger students incorporates research based methods. Although children learn best through social interaction and hands-on activities, we have created a program which will still be interactive while offering parents the option of being able to allow their child to learn from home. Most children are already receiving screen time. We want to take that time to turn it into something beneficial for the child.

Nursery rhymes are a very important part of child development. They function as story telling for young children. Nursery rhymes when paired with actions help children in improving their listening comprehension skills as well as motor skills. They also allow them to build their vocabulary. Our Islamic nursery rhymes have been formed in order to increase Islamic vocabulary in children.

Children may be able to sit through cartoons or graphic videos for a longer portion of time. This is because of the lights, constant change of scenes and music that fixates them to the screen. Our sessions do not incorporate that because we want the child to be able to interact. Optimal learning occurs when interaction is present. The child will only be able to interact if the parent is able to sit throughout the session with the child. Younger children (between 18 months and 2.5 years old) should be seated on the parent’s lap or between them and the screen. Please do not prop the child with the video in a confined space such as a high chair. Please use both your hands to grasp the child’s hand and move it in order to imitate the actions. Please repeat the sounds so they are able to repeat the sounds and words as well.