
"I’m writing this testimonial in regards to my sons Quran teacher, sister Maimoona. She first started teaching my son, who was 4 at the time (he’s 6 now) until present. She is absolutely PHENOMENAL and I have seen my son learn and thrive at his Islamic studies. He started with the Qaida and is now starting his 30th para (last one first). Not only has he learned how to read the Quran, but he has also picked up on so much about Islam- including wudu, his salah (which he now knows fully thanks to sister Maimoona), memorization/ matriculation of certain surahs (he knows about 14 now mA) and general things about being a Muslim. There’s some things a parent can’t effectively teach their own kids and that’s when a “good” teacher comes into play. I absolutely love her and wouldn’t change a thing about her class and/or structure. And above all things, the one thing I LOVE about her is that she knows how to engage kids, playfully and happily. I didn’t think my son would be able to handle 15- 25 minute sessions but somehow someway, sister Maimoona engages him in such a way that time just literally flies by during classes. My son ALWAYS leaves his seat happy, confident and proud because that’s how sister Maimoona handles him and I couldn’t thank her enough. She truly is a gem of a person and anyone under her supervision is going to thrive- no doubt. I admire her so much that I made my nephew switch over to her from some other teacher. And IA I plan to add my daughter who’s two to her class soon too! Yay for sister Maimoona!" -Mother of Ayan, Age 5 (one-on-one Quran student)

"I have been a Tajweed student with Sr. Maimoona for about a year now, Alhamdullilah. As a child my education with respect to reciting the Quran was always fragmented and I've struggled consistently with Tajweed and general fluency. However, working with Sr. Maimoona has been a game changer for my relationship with the Quran and the added khushu that I experience in Salaah. She is extremely patient as a teacher, quick to catch and correct mistakes, and has a beautiful way of explaining things that really connected with me and helped me learn the skills needed to improve my Quranic recitation. It has definitely been hard work, but the process has been very enjoyable; sometimes I lose track of time completely because her classes are so engaging and the improvement has been so marked. Despite my initial slow learning curve as I learned all the rules, Sr. Maimoona has always encouraged and supported my growth. She has always been open to tailoring the program to my needs and runs her classes very professionally. May Allah reward her immensely for her tremendous efforts in helping people develop the beautiful connection with the Quran that we all strive to have. Ameen." -N.S (Adult One-on-one Student)

"With just a few sessions my son looks forward to meeting and interacting with “Mooni Aunty” every week. Ezaan enjoys seeing his friends online. This program is helping him learn and love deen. Throughout the day and week I’ve seen him repeat and mention lessons learnt. While playing he’d stop and play with the boxes in his fingers and do zikr (Allah hu Akbar). While drinking milk he remembers fragments from the Du’a before drinking milk or randomly teach his younger sister the first few steps of salah and much more. Maimoona has tons of things to share and teach. She’s full of life and knowledgeable. I highly recommend her program and watch your child flourish in numerous ways."-Mother of Ezaan, Age 3 (Islamic Circle Time Online Student)

"These sessions are amazing for my 2 yr old son, Sister Maimoona gets all the children so involved that it doesn't even feel like it is online. My son enjoys it and I enjoy seeing him learn so much. As a mother of 4, I am always busy and unable to spend time teaching my child. However, after enrolling him in the Circle Time, I have been forced to take out a little bit of time each week, to sit through the session with him. It also gave me an idea on how to break down and teach him basic Islamic Studies. Alhumdulilah, He has already learned the names of the 5 prayers, has become familiarized with many lslamic phrases like takbeer, Ruku and the kalima and its meaning." - Mother of Muhammed, Age 2.5 (Islamic Circle Time Online Student)

“My daughter would never want to read quran with us and always felt demotivated to practice alone. Alhamdulillah after starting classes with Maimoona, my daughter sets up her own study area and is excited for her classes! I've noticed such an improvement in her recitation”

“Despite being a parent who is a Hafidh with more than a decade of teaching experience - including young children - I was unable to keep our child motivated in the art of learning, reciting, practicing and understanding the Quran. 

When I digged deep into my own experiences as a student, I realized that until there is no chemistry between the student and teacher, learning continues to be difficult. Therefore, both of us as parents decided to canvas for an appropriate teacher. A teacher who our daughter sees herself in and can stay motivated with, and alhamdulillah we decided to give Ustadha Maimoona a try.

Our daughter has been consistently attending the one-on-one classes for the past several months and the progress we have seen gas exceeded our expectations. May Allah reward Ustadha Maimoona for her continued efforts.-Abu Emaan

Parent’s of Emaan, Age 7 (one-on-one Quran Student)

” I would recommend Sister Maimoona for Quraan teachings because Allah has given her the best ability. Mashallah, she is the best teacher my daughter ever had, the way she teaches and her pronunciation is very easy to understand. She always makes sure my daughter understand what she’s reading. I’m very satisfied with Sister Maimoona and she is also very flexible with schedules and always cooperative. May Allah bless her with the best inshallah” - Mother of Zara, Age 9 (one-on-one Quran Student

"My daughter Aasiya really benefited from these classes. Even though it seemed as though she wouldn't focus during class time, I would hear her throughout the day saying the prayer song and making dua. During salat times, she doesn't only make the actions of salah but says the words she has learned as well. I'm so grateful my daughter can attend Islamic classes online in the comfort of my home because it's a handful leaving the house with a toddler and baby!" -Mother of Aasiya, Age 2 (Islamic Circle Time Online Student)

"My son Bilal, age 4, loves the Islamic Circle time program! He enjoys the lighthearted, fun atmosphere that sister Maimoona creates in her sessions, while learning some important basic concepts like 5 times prayers, dua for drinking milk, etc. He remembers to do Dhikr every night the way she taught him, and reminds us too. As a parent, its nice for me to see him have important islamic concepts being reinforced, while he still gets to jump up and wiggle around like a typical preschooler." -Mother of Bilal, Age 4 (Islamic Circle Time Online Student)